Quora 12+

Questions, Answers, and More

Quora, Inc.

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Quora सवाल-जवाब का एक मंच है जो लोगों को दुनिया के ज्ञान को बढ़ाने और बांटने के लिए सशक्त बनाता है. लोग किसी भी विषय से संबंधित सवाल पूछने, अपनी जरूरत की जानकारियां हासिल करने और अपना ज्ञान दूसरों के साथ बांटने के लिए Quora पर आते हैं. Quora ज्ञान बांटने व दुनिया को और बेहतर समझने की जगह है.

* सवाल पूछिए और मददगार जवाब पाइए
* विषय फॉलो करें और उम्दा सामग्री देखें
* विषय पर सीधे ही विश्वसनीय लोगों से जानें और सीखें
* सवालों का जवाब दें और अपना ज्ञान दुनिया के साथ बांटें

कोई सवाल, समस्या या फीडबैक है? यहां क्लिक करें https://hi.quora.com/contact

क्या नया है

संस्करण 8.4.30

हमारी हमेशा यह कोशिश रहती है कि Quora पर आप जब भी अाएं आपका अनुभव पहले से बेहतर हो. इसके लिए हम लगातार सुधार और नई विशेषताएं लाने का काम कर रहे हैं.

अपना फीडबैक यहां भेजें https://hi.quora.com/contact

रेटिंग और समीक्षाएँ

5 में से 4.6
94,556 रेटिंग

94,556 रेटिंग

Datta_Pawar ,

Excellent however need more stability

Overall the app performs good. I enjoy reading answers and experiences of people around the globe. However sometimes I have experienced that app takes me to the home screen without my intervention. If I have kept it open in background and i m opening it after sometime to continue the reading then it only shows black screen and not able to continue my reading from the point i left it sometimes back. I don’t know whether this is app issue or ios issue. I would be glad if you guys can put some light upon said issue.. cheers!! I don’t use social media apps ( FB, Insta). Quora is my favourite..! Thank you!!

Sachin Mathew ,

Quora gone rotten

I never write reviews not have I written answers on Quora...but I like to read multiple view points on any topic. A platform like this was made to encourage free speech. But then comes the Moderators who try to enforce their views n beliefs for their so called "greater good". Many prolific writers from my country have been banned and their accounts deactivated by Quora, just because they were trying to collate and share facts. Many others have deactivated their account in protest. All I am left with is biased news feed that Quora is trying to peddle. Shame on you Quora for spoiling such a wonderful platform with your inherent bias. I am writing this review so that Quora comes out of its 'White Mans Burden' and bring all the writers back.

Updated in Jan 2020
From Bad to Worse
Sad to see this playform going down the drain. Quora Moderators are like street gangs and wont let you on their turf unless you bow to their idealogy. I suggest Quora to let moderators answer all questions so that there is only one view point, atleast it will not hoodwink people into believing that all viewpoints are accepted here. Also please set in place an algorithm to identify biased mass reporting on parameters like time taken to read the answer, contribution to the platform, number of followers etc. Dont ban authors who contribute to diverse topics due to one single topic mass reporting. Diversity in views is what u need......

The Time Traveller 777 ,

Not what it used to be

I joined Quora much early on and had enjoyed what the platform was back then. It used to be a way people can express themselves and filled mostly with intellects who shared their knowledge. Today’s quora is not the same as it was before. The quality of content has significantly dropped and the moderation is highly biased. It was supposed to be a source of knowledge but today you can’t even index it on the internet archive. A report on any answer/comment would cause it to be banned and users have to appeal. And the moderators are highly biased as well so chances are that your ban will not be lifted even if it follows the quora guidelines—simply because of the personal opinions of the mods.
The app isn’t great either. It’s been lazily made considering that it comes with a good amount of bugs. It feels like a webview-based app than a native one. On top of that, it has stacking issues i.e. sometimes sections get stuck and links won’t open and whdn you hit back it pops up all of a sudden—have faced this far too many times.

ऐप गोपनीयता

डेवलपर Quora, Inc. ने बताया है कि ऐप के गोपनीयता संबंधी व्यवहारों में नीचे दिए गए वर्णन के अनुसार डेटा का उपयोग शामिल हो सकता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए डेवलपर की गोपनीयता नीति देखें।

आपसे जुड़ा हुआ डेटा

निम्न डेटा एकत्रित किया जा सकता है और आपकी पहचान से जोड़ा जा सकता है :

  • संपर्क जानकारी
  • खोज हिस्ट्री
  • ब्राउज़िंग हिस्ट्री
  • पहचानकर्ता
  • उपयोग डेटा
  • डायग्नॉस्टिक

गोपनीयता संबंधी तौर-तरीक़े अलग-अलग हो सकते हैं; उदाहरण के तौर पर, वे आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले फ़ीचर्स या आपकी उम्र के आधार पर विभिन्न हो सकते हैं। अधिक जानें

इस डेवलपर द्वारा और अधिक

आपको ये भी पसंद आ सकते हैं

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