Streaks Workout

For all fitness levels


Exercising once is easy. It’s doing it again that fills us with dread. And don’t bother mentioning coming back for day three – we’re busy, we’ve got this thing; we’re helping our gran wash her car. Honest.

Streaks Workout helps elevate this exercise anxiety. It’s like having Mr. Motivator in your pocket, just with less multi-coloured spandex. Instead of pushing you to unrealistic daily targets, it encourages you to come back. Day after day. Session after body-toning session, in order to create a streak of daily progress.

Track your streaks over days and weeks, highlighting your exercise success rates.

It does this by playing on your competitive nature and eagerness not to disappoint. The warm feeling you get when you extend your personal best streak will help you forget the burning in your lungs. Miss a session though and your current streak reverts to zero. You know the app’s not angry with you, but you’ll feel like you’ve let it down.

You don’t need to go flat out in every day’s exercise session, you just have to turn up and do what you can. As well as helping you get into a routine, the exercises within will quickly have you feeling the results.

When leg day is still hitting back, create your own custom workouts.

Each session – ranging from a six-minute Quick to a 30-minute Pain workout – builds in six different exercises, with various repetitions of each, in ever-changing orders. It’s like attending a Metafit or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class, and if all those bicycle crunches, leg lifts and jack knife crunches have got your abs aching, you can simply create your own custom workouts to focus on other parts of your body.

The app’s easy to use and filled with exercises for all levels. Crucially, it will also give you the confidence that you can hit your goals, and an incentive to push just a little bit more than you might otherwise. Mr. Motivator would be proud.