Splitter Critters

Split worlds and save critters


Lean in closer and get a better look at the details. That’s what Splitter Critters invites you to do with its AR (augmented reality) update.

With AR, your iPhone or iPad wondrously puts the world of Splitter Critters in a diorama you can place on the real-life table in front of you, or hang from your ceiling. Think of it as a living stage you can interact with.

Getting to Splitter Critters AR mode is easy. Just tap the AR button in the upper left corner when you’re choosing which level to play.

Thanks to the AR mode, you can get a closer view of Splitter Critters than ever before.

In AR mode—just like in the standard version—Splitter Critters is all about helping adorable alien characters get safely back to their spaceship so they can go home.

The way you do this in AR is the same as before. Swipe your finger anywhere on screen to slice through the environment, then push the pieces around so the characters can cross ledges, bridges, and obstacles they couldn’t otherwise get around.

As you move closer to the AR scene, you get a more detailed view of the reflective surfaces, laser beams, and moving platforms of the thoughtfully crafted levels.

AR mode keeps the things we already love about Splitter Critters in place—like the colourful, paper-craft art style and the charming soundtrack—while adding new levels with unique puzzles to solve. Just as before, Splitter Critters' AR Mode starts simply and builds in complexity, keeping this a great game for all ages.

If you’re already a fan of Splitter Critters, this AR update will introduce you to a new level of immersion. And if you’ve yet to get into this journey, there’s never been a better time to slice into it.