Note Carpet 4+

Dr. Garbers Softwareentwicklung

    • Gratis



The Note Carpet is an innovative music theory teaching aid.
You can use it to illustrate tonal relationships and discuss musical issues.

* Move notes to set a key and modulate.
* Recognize the scale's own notes.
* Play notes and chords with a simple sound.
* Recognize enharmonically interchangeable notes.
* Understand the relationships between notation, fifth relationships, keys, degrees.

The Note Carpet consists of an immobile checkerboard-like grid with a highlighted center and a pattern of note names that can be moved against it. By shifting notes into the center you get:
* The scale degrees of the notes, colored and numbered left and right.
* The root, the red note in the center.
* The mode, which you can recognize by the solmization syllable of the root (below and above). Do is major. La is minor.
* The key (root and mode).
* The scale and its accidentals (right).
* The range of in-scale notes (white) and out-of-scale notes (black).
* Aspects of musical notation: white notes can be written without accidentals, black notes must be written with accidentals at least once per bar.

For a better understanding, common features of the notes are also displayed:
* At the left, the root note of all notes in the line, i.e. without alteration. The sequence corresponds to the staff lines and spaces.
* At the bottom, the note name without octave number. The sequence corresponds to the fifth relationships of the notes.

At the bottom right is a number that encodes the projection of the key onto the mode circle of fifths.
If you install the "Mode Cirkel" app or the "MIDI Solfa Mode-Go-Round" app, a button is displayed here that sends the current key to the corresponding app.
There you can study further aspects of music theory.

More information about the app and the didactic use of the Note Carpet is available at

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Altre app di questo sviluppatore

Musk MIDI Player
Musk MIDI Keyboard
Mode Circle
MIDI SolFa Mode-Go-Round
SolFa Hand
Guidonian Hand

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