Know the position of the sun at all times.

Sunlitt: Sun Position and Path

AR, Solar Tracker, Shadow Map


Tracking the sun’s journey can be useful for a number of reasons and professions. Photographers, for example, might want to know the direction of light ahead of a shoot, plant lovers could discover the best area for growing their greens and campers can use the information to decide where to pitch their tent for the day. Whatever the reason, use Sunlitt to predict the path of the sun.

What we love: The simplicity. The Monolitt in the centre of the app shows the sun’s current position. Drag the slider on the right to a later time to see how the shadows will change, then swipe up to access information about sunrise, sunset, twilight and more. Want to check another location? Just move your pin around the map until you find it.

Quick tip: Upgrading to Sunlitt Pro unlocks some great additional features. Use Location Search and Date Picker to check anywhere on any date in the future and better plan your activity, and add Lock Screen widgets to see the sun’s journey from sunrise to sunset at a glance or a countdown to upcoming events such as solar noon.

Meet the creator: Sunlitt is made by a team of people who believe that diversity isn’t just a buzzword but an essential ingredient for creating truly inclusive products. They met in 2022 at the Apple Developer Academy in Naples, and the app is their first project together.