Vector & SVG Maker - Assembly

Graphic Design for Art & Logos


Stuck on the logo idea for your side-hustle or just want to be a bit creative with your party invitation? Assembly gives you the tools to create colourful and inventive graphic design, even if you have minimal design skills.

The app gives you a huge catalogue of stickers and shapes to work from, letting you tinker with these stock images in order to create your own, bespoke creations. This can mean layering lots of stickers (geometric shapes, characters, animals, food) or stretching and squeezing shapes to create something totally new.

Ah, sad bear, the classic design component. That cloud could work though...

Every element of these ready-made artworks are also customisable, so you can easily move, transform or erase sections of a sticker. For example, if you want to use just the mouth from a particular character you can delete the rest of the face. Or, if you want to change the colour of its hair, that’s easy, too.

To make it all super-sharable, the default Artboard setting is a social media-friendly square, although like with the rest of Assembly’s features, this can be customised.

An app that’s beautifully easy to use, within minutes you’ll have created something to be proud of. You can then export your design in a number of formats including transparent PNG or PDF files, share it or (if you are really, really proud) have it printed onto a t-shirt.