Learn the chords to your favourite songs.

Chord Tracker


Call on Chord Tracker when you want to learn the chords to the songs you love, or if you want to practise guitar accompaniment to match the song. The app analyzes the audio files on your iPhone or iPad, displaying the chord progressions to the song.

Open the app and select Music on the home screen to display a list of songs included in your library. Tap the song that you want to learn the chords for and the app will automatically analyze and display the chords similar to the feel of the original song.

The app analyzes the song in an instant and shows you the chord progressions.

Tap Play at the top of the screen to start the song; a white vertical bar follows along on the chord progression chart, so you can visualize what chord to play at which part of the song. To check the sound of a specific chord, tap its name on the chord progression chart.

Selecting Staff Notation will show you the chord written on the staff, while tapping Keyboard will display which keys to play on a keyboard with a drawing. Guitar will show you the chord diagram so you can see on which frets and strings you should place your fingers.

When you practise playing the chords to accompany a song, it’s effective to slow down the tempo a little at first so you can memorize the chord progression and get used to the finger movements. Select Play Settings to adjust the tempo and volume and turn on Melody Suppressor to hear the sound of other instruments more clearly.

Next time you’re listening to your favourite song, you’ll be able to join in and play.