With Halide Mark II, every photo’s a good one.

Halide Mark II - Pro Camera

RAW, Macro & Manual + Zero AI


Want to add a little professional edge to your photos, but unsure where to start? Try Halide Mark II - Pro Camera.

The award-winning photography app enables you to shoot automatically or manually, and the sleek menu design and intuitive controls make it a dream to use.

On the viewfinder screen, you can fine-tune your focus or adjust your exposure in a swipe. And having the ability to lengthen or shorten your shutter speed means blurry pictures are a thing of the past.

Adjust your focus manually using Halide Mark II’s magnified viewfinder.

The app is also compatible with Dynamic Type, so it can change the size and thickness of its text to match your iPhone or iPad settings—handy, eh?

Halide Mark II takes the complexity out of beautiful photography. In fact, the only tricky part of the whole experience is trying to get your partner/dog/houseplant to smile on cue.

With the built-in waveforms, you can see at a glance if there are any blown highlights or blocked shadows.

Meet the creator: Lux Optics is a team of three friends – Rebecca Slatkin, Ben Sandofsky and Sebastiaan de With – brought together by a passion for photography and great apps. They wanted to build the app to behave like a “real” camera, which means Halide Mark II sends no information to the developer.