
Remove unwanted items from your photo

Create the perfect shot by erasing background noise.

Dang! That photo is almost perfect... if it weren’t for the passerby walking right into frame at the exact moment you tapped the Shutter button. If you have options to redo the photo, it’s great. But if you don’t, you can save your shot with Picsart.

This powerful photo-editing tool houses plenty of options to improve your images, and removing unwanted items from a photo or background noise from a selfie is just one of many features.

Once you’ve downloaded and launched the app, here’s how to do it:

  1. Tap on the plus icon and select the picture you want to edit. Next, tap on Tools in the tool bar and then tap Remove.
  2. Before starting to edit, you can adjust the size of your brush, which is especially useful if you want to edit out something small and need to be precise.
  3. Move your finger over the unwanted object to highlight it. A small window in the top-left corner acts as a magnifying glass and will help you to be as accurate as possible.
  4. Tap on the Remove button and observe how the item magically disappears.
  5. If you’re not happy with the result, tap the back arrow and try again. When you’re satisfied, tap on Apply, then tap Next.
  6. From here, you can save the edited photo and download it to your device.