Campfire Cooking Korea All 4+

Layton Hawkes

iPad용으로 디자인됨

    • ₩5,500



Campfire Cooking is a puzzle game about relaxing moments in nature, as you prepare meals over a warm fire. Discover the joy of cooking on a stick and test your problem-solving skills with some challenging campfire puzzles! The latest creation from Layton Hawkes is guaranteed to make you feel clever, hungry and eager to book your next woodland escape.

- Over 100 meals to prepare.
Solve tricky puzzles with one simple goal; prepare the all the food. But don't be fooled: these puzzles are no walk in the park, and some of them are a hike up the mountain!

- Meet the family.
Follow a vacation like no other and listen to the campers as they tell stories, laugh at each other’s jokes or moan about the lack of cell phone reception.

- Puzzle solving, with a twist.
Twist, rotate and jostle skewers around the fire until each meal is ready to eat. Push fondue pots, play with magnets or maybe just use a camping stove if the fire won't light.

- Visit exotic hiking trails.
Each trail brings you new vistas brimming with color and different foods to cook. Take a journey from the deep woodlands to snow-capped peaks, and everywhere in between.

새로운 기능

버전 1.0.6

- User interface scale fixes for iPhone XR

평가 및 리뷰

2개의 평가

2개의 평가

치즈맛사자 ,

완전 힐링되요

마시멜로 구워질때 소리랑 음악 분위기가 너무 좋아서 힐링되고 게임도 참신해서 재미있네요

앱이 수집하는 개인정보

Layton Hawkes 개발자가 개인정보 처리방침 및 데이터 처리 방식에 관한 세부사항을 Apple에 제공하지 않았습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

세부사항이 제공되지 않음

개발자가 다음번에 앱 업데이트를 제출할 때 개인정보 보호 세부사항을 제공해야 합니다.


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