HACK for YC Hacker News Reader 17+

Pranoy Chowdhury

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    • 앱 내 구입 제공


HACK for YC's Hacker News is the most beautiful and easy way to read about the latest tech, startup and STEM news.

- No Ads. No subscriptions.
- Login or Register your Hacker News account
- PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for Hacker News replies to comment or post
- Supported on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
- Comments are presented in nested threads
- Tap a comment to collapse that thread
- Swipe left or right on stories and comments to upvote and favorite
- Ability to submit new posts including drafts
- Long press a story, link or comment to share
- iPad supports split view
- On iPads, you can drag a story / comment / story's image (link) to open it in safari in split view. This is useful for when you are viewing the app in split view / multitasking and like opening the link / story / comment in a browser side by side.
- Landscape and Portrait support
- 3D touch for peek, pop support
- Home screen 3D touch shortcuts
- Hide posts from the feed
- Tap the bottom button to scroll to the next root comment in the thread. Long press it to go to the previous one
- All known hacker news endpoints - News, front page, Ask HN, Show HN, Show HN Newest, classic, active, best stories, best comments, new stories, new comments, noob stories, noob comments, jobs, over 100-500 points
- Submit posts, reply, comment using your HN account
- Browse top 100 leader accounts
- Browse stories from a specific site, user or date
- Search in comments and usernames! Search is case and diacritic insensitive and ignores punctuations. Search uses an CONTAINS, OR operation if multiple words are typed.
- Can select / highlight the comment/post title text for lookup/copy/translate etc iOS native operations.
- Powerful search (powered by Algolia API) - use @date to sort by date, #story to filter for stories, #comments to filter for comments, #author_username to filter by user etc. These tags can be separated by commas. Refer to https://hn.algolia.com/api for more tags.
- Dark mode - both pure black and gray mode
- Low contrast text mode to make the text not be pure white
- Many color choices & color picker for customization
- App icons in variety of colours for light and dark mode
- Font choices
- Ability to change font sizes, padding etc to make the layout as compact as you like!
- Threaded comments with color bar to maintain visual orientation
- Articles open in Safari view with setting to automatically open in "readability" mode
- Tap the domain in a story to see all stories from that site
- Tap the username in a story or comment to go to the user profile
- Browse your submitted stories and comments, favorited stories and comments, upvoted stories and comments
- Archive: View an archive of the post website. archive.is, archive.org & google cache.
- Share comment as image
- Articles can be opened in built in safari or 3rd party browsers. Supports Brave, Firefox, Firefox Focus, Orion, Opera Touch, Dolphin, DuckDuckGo, iCab Mobile, Microsoft Edge and Chrome. Go to settings > Disable the "Use in-app Safari" setting > tap that row to change the default browser.
- I run my own server for caching high quality favicons shown in the app plus for push notifications for replies. So if you can help support the server costs, please buy the one time only in app purchase. This also unlocks custom fonts, colors & icons.

All stories and comments are via Algolia API and Hacker News API:

Profile picture robots lovingly delivered by Robohash.org

I offer an ad and analytics free and beautiful app for the absolute best experience for my users. I need to run my own server for caching high quality favicons shown in the app plus for push notifications for replies to hacker news posts. If you can afford it, please support me by purchasing a tip and one time only in app purchase. No subscriptions. Thank you!

If you have any feedback or feature requests, please email Pran at:

새로운 기능

버전 126

- Digging through the comments pages will now show the title of the main post.
- The app is supported on iPhone and iPad too.

Small indie developers like me benefit from support from you. If you can afford it, please support me by purchasing a tip and one time only in app purchase. You can also leave a review on the app store. Thank you for the support.

I offer an ad and analytics free and beautiful app for the absolute best experience for my users. I need to run my own server for caching high quality favicons shown in the app plus for push notifications for replies to hacker news posts. Tips and in app purchase helps pay for it. No subscriptions.

Please send feedback, feature requests, and bug reports to me at:


앱이 수집하는 개인정보

Pranoy Chowdhury 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

데이터가 수집되지 않음

개발자가 이 앱에서 데이터를 수집하지 않습니다.

개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기


  • 가족 공유

    가족 공유를 활성화하면 구독을 포함한 일부 앱 내 구입 항목을 가족 그룹과 공유할 수 있습니다.

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