KDBUz Mobile 4+

KDB Bank Uzbekistan AO

iPhone용으로 디자인됨

    • 3.0 • 2개의 평가
    • 무료

iPhone 스크린샷


General Information about KDBUz Mobile application;

• Only KDB Bank’s Individual Clients could register into and use MultiPay application.

• KDB Mobile Banking application supports three languages; Uzbek, Russian and English.


Individual clients will be able to:

• register into mobile banking application through UzCard, Visa Card or Demand Deposit Account opened in KDB Bank;

• to review Bank branches on the map (addresses, contact phone numbers, branch opening hours);

• set up push notifications:

• choose language setting;

• view currency exchange rates;

• change user setting, such as changing passport, entry options, secret questions;

• view their balances on all card, demand deposit, and wallet accounts;

• view payment, exchange, conversion history;

• generate up to 3 month statement of card, wallet and demand deposit accounts;

• make external UZS transfers from UzCard KDB to UzCard of any other bank;

• make internal UZS transfers from UzCard to demand deposit, demand deposit to UzCard, demand deposit to demand deposit within KDB clients;

• blocking of UzCard and Visa Card;

• make payment to varies service providers (phone companies, internet providers, utility companies, etc.);

• replenish Visa Card, FCY demand deposit and FCY wallet account using online conversion function from a UZS accounts;

• make reverse conversion from FCY accounts; VISA, FCY demand deposit, and FCY wallet to UzCard, UZS demand deposit or wallet accounts;

• make transfers between own accounts from any UZS account to any UZS account and vice versa;

• make transfers between own account from any FCY account to any FCY account and vice versa;

• create favorite list of payments to be used for future payments;

• create and safe history of payments, history of transfers and statement of accounts;

• view mobile banking tariffs and terms and conditions.

새로운 기능

버전 9.9.6

Nima yangiliklar:
- Ba'zi xatolar tuzatildi va yaxshilanishlar amalga oshirildi.

What's new:
- Fixed some bugs and made improvements.

Что нового:
- Исправлены некоторые ошибки и внесены улучшения.

평가 및 리뷰

2개의 평가

2개의 평가

앱이 수집하는 개인정보

KDB Bank Uzbekistan AO 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

사용자에게 연결되지 않은 데이터

다음 데이터가 수집될 수 있지만 신원에는 연결되지 않습니다.

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개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기

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