Logo Maker - Gaming Logo Maker 4+

Nothern Studio

iPhone용으로 디자인됨

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Unique logo design. Logo Maker - Gaming Logo Maker is the best logo design app to create professional, unique, and impressive logos for your gaming team. Logo Maker - Gaming Logo Maker is explicitly focusing on gaming teams or gaming-type logos with mascots. It is effortless to use, and you can create your logo with a mascot within a second. Logo design work doesn't get simpler than this.

Simple, yet Powerful Logo Maker.

Logo Creator
Simply choose from over 300+ customizable logo templates created by professional designers. Then edit your chosen design using more than 50+ fonts and background design resources. There are so many different types of icons, avatars, and mascots to create gaming logos.

The Best Free Logo Maker
Gaming Logo Maker
Choose a logo from 300+ ready-to-use types of logo templates like a soldier, animal, samurai, ninja, assassin, gamer, archer, and skull mascot. Save and share your logos in high resolution.

Esport Logo Maker Features:
- Gaming logo maker with 300+ customizable logo templates: Esports Logo Maker includes various beautiful gaming logo designs, from simple ones to more elaborate combinations. Every logo design element is fully adjustable, allowing you to make unique, fully customized logos in minutes.
- Logo editor: Easy and fast text editing tools like text size, text spacing, and text colors.
- Esports Logo Maker suggests the best colors for each logo.
- Gamer logo maker with 100+ stylish and professionally designed gaming fonts for your team name.
Choose your background: So many beautiful backgrounds specially designed for gaming logos. Add the best background which suits your gaming logo, or you can choose your favorite color as a background.

새로운 기능

버전 1.1

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