Popwatch: Find shows & movies Korea 12 12+

367 Partners Corp

iPhone용으로 디자인됨

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iPhone 스크린샷


“I need a new show.” Who among us hasn’t expressed frustration about not being able to figure out what to watch? Who hasn’t spent 45 minutes looking for that new show, only to abandon the idea altogether? Who is overwhelmed with the hundreds of options across dozens of services today?

All of us, that’s who. Popwatch was designed to solve this problem and give you hours back - hours that you can spend enjoying great shows with friends and family.

Popwatch prioritizes recommendations from your friends - because that’s hands down the best way to figure out what to watch. It brings together simple social sharing with information from all the major subscription services, so you can open the app, find a show, and be enjoying it within a minute.

You don’t care what’s “trending.” You don’t need recommendations from individuals with whom you have absolutely no ties. You don’t need another “top ten” list based on the shows your services want to promote. You simply need a small group of friends with whom to share content and enjoy all the great programming out there today. That’s what you get with Popwatch.

Features include:
-- Information about which shows and movies are airing on which services
-- Ability to share what you are watching with your friends
-- Ability to store different lists of shows and movies - those you want to watch, those you’re watching, and those you recommend
-- Ability to quickly scroll through your feed to see what your friends are watching
-- Enjoyable moments to discuss shows and movies with your friends

Please note: we are currently in limited beta. You will need an invitation code to access the app. If you don’t already have one head over to popwatch.app and request an invitation. We’re working hard to add people to Popwatch as fast as we can, and we thank you in advance for your patience!

새로운 기능

버전 1.11.2

Popwatch is better with friends! We’ve made it much easier to invite others to join Popwatch.

We’ve also improved episode tracking and scrolling, and made it possible to comment on any show from anywhere - whether it’s in your watchlist or not.

Finally, we've made additional performance and search improvements.

앱이 수집하는 개인정보

367 Partners Corp 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

데이터가 수집되지 않음

개발자가 이 앱에서 데이터를 수집하지 않습니다.

개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기

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