ReportYourRent 17+

Report your rent

iPhone용으로 디자인됨

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iPhone 스크린샷


Sign up for one free year of service while we complete our approval with the credit reporting bureaus. The free year does not start until approval is received. Rent payments will show up on your credit report once we have approval from the bureaus. Until your landlord agrees to accept payments through the app, continue to pay your landlord the same way you have in the past.  After approval from the bureaus is received, new customers will be charged for our service so register for free while you can.

Improve your credit by reporting your on-time rent payments to the three major credit bureaus. Use the app to pay rent each month or set up automatic monthly rent payments using your bank account or credit card. Check your credit score as often as you want at no additional cost and see how reporting your rent affects it. Your landlord has to confirm your rent was received. If they set up a free Landlord ReportYourRent account, they do not have to confirm your payments. Everything is done automatically by the app.

새로운 기능

버전 1.0.5

Improvements and optimizations

앱이 수집하는 개인정보

Report your rent 개발자가 아래 설명된 데이터 처리 방식이 앱의 개인정보 처리방침에 포함되어 있을 수 있다고 표시했습니다. 자세한 내용은 개발자의 개인정보 처리방침을 참조하십시오.

데이터가 수집되지 않음

개발자가 이 앱에서 데이터를 수집하지 않습니다.

개인정보 처리방침은 사용하는 기능이나 사용자의 나이 등에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. 더 알아보기

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