To Do List Widget - Simple 4+

Amit Verma

iPad용으로 디자인됨

    • 5.0 • 7개의 평가
    • 무료
    • 앱 내 구입 제공


ToDo List Widget for iOS 18 . Your simple interactive widget for unlimited todo list on home screen and your apple watch.

Just create a list add task and customise your widget with themes , layouts ,fonts and much more.

Create Multiple widget Features Include.
• iOS 18 Lockscreen Widget & Dynamic island, Live Activity all with interactive option.
• Transparent interactive Widget.
• iOS 18 Control Centre Widget
• Standy-mode Widgets & App Icons.
• Create unlimited To Do lists.
• Apple watch app
• Widget Style & Theme.
• Color Picker for Text and Background.
• Stylish Fonts.
• Gradient Background.
• Add your Own Photos.
• Light & Dark modes.
• Supports all size of widgets.
• iCloud Support sync across all device.
No Ads.

Now Check your list on apple watch. Just tap on item to check mark or uncheck your item on your watch.

Add your Custom widget with ease and edit later in no time.

Upcoming version will include Apple watch supports and more themes.

Download Now New Todo List Widget and Enjoy!!!

새로운 기능

버전 2.46

● New Control Centre Widget.
● Now Task automatically disappear on completion tap in widget.
● Now Just Tap once to check and uncheck all Task.
● Major iPad App UI bug fixes.
● Supports for new iPhone 16 series.

If you're enjoying new iOS 18 Todo Lists Widgets, please consider leaving a review.

평가 및 리뷰

7개의 평가

7개의 평가

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