XXX Porn Blocker - Adult content blocking tool 4+

SVG Apps

    • ₩11,000



Are you porn addict? XXX Porn Blocker helps you stay away from porn. This app blocks millions of porn websites and explicit content so you can browse internet safely.

Porn blocker works seamlessly in Safari. You need to delete other browsers and apps that deliver porn content.

It is a must have app for parents to keep the family and kids away from adult content.

It blocks explicit images and videos to make internet a safe place for you.

This parental control app is for anyone who wants to stay away from porn and be more productive.

Please contact if you find an objectionable website not blocked by safari.

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SVG Apps 개발자가 개인정보 처리방침 및 데이터 처리 방식에 관한 세부사항을 Apple에 제공하지 않았습니다.

세부사항이 제공되지 않음

개발자가 다음번에 앱 업데이트를 제출할 때 개인정보 보호 세부사항을 제공해야 합니다.


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