Reigns: Game of Thrones gives you ultimate power. Use it wisely.

Reigns: Game of Thrones

Sit on the Iron Throne


If there’s one thing Game of Thrones fans know, it’s that no character in George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy novels – or the award-winning HBO series inspired by them – can escape an untimely death.

The flip side? The Iron Throne is up for grabs by anyone – if they want it badly enough.

No matter which Game of Thrones character you pick, you’ll have tough decisions to make.

This latest entry in the amazing Reigns series puts you in that seat of power, making decisions that ripple across the mythical land of Westeros. As advisers, allies and citizens approach you, you’ll swipe left or right on virtual playing cards to accept or decline their requests – then brace yourself for the consequences.

From Tyrion Lannister to Arya Stark, nine iconic Game of Thrones characters are unlocked as you go, each drawn in Reigns’ signature art style. As Jon Snow, will you profess your love for Daenerys Targaryen or keep your heart hidden? As Sansa Stark, will you appoint Cersei Lannister as the new Hand of the Queen or risk leaving the position unfilled?

Make poor choices as Cersei and you might end up face to face with a White Walker. Eek!

Most decisions will affect one or more aspects of your regime’s success: military power, religious faith, the people’s well-being and the money in your coffers. If any of these measures gets too low or too high, your reign comes to a violent end.

Perhaps you’ll be roasted by wildfire, assassinated by Gold Cloaks, or turned into a zombie-like White Walker. Fortunately, the Red Priestess Melisandre will help you start over from scratch.

What makes Reigns: Game of Thrones so much fun – in addition to its clever design and black humour – is playing through what-if scenarios never seen in the books or TV show. A cruel and humorless Tyrion? A kind and benevolent Cersei? Do whatever it takes to succeed, survive and get through the long winter ahead.