Bendy and the Ink Machine is a cartoon gone wrong.

Bendy and the Ink Machine

Vintage Cartoon Madness


From the moment you wander into the infamous Joey Drew animation studios, it’s clear something is wrong in Bendy and the Ink Machine.

The place is deserted and falling apart. Ink is spilled everywhere (or at least, we hope that’s ink). What happened? Venture deeper into its labyrinthian halls to find out.

Give Boris some soup and he’ll happily assist you. Wolves love it!

Bendy is a unique mix of horror and adventure. The 3D graphics look like a cartoon come to life – appropriate, considering the setting.

This isn't a flowers-and-sunshine kind of cartoon, either, but one with a sinister edge. As you search for clues, you get the feeling that you’re not alone, perhaps being stalked by someone (or something). Doors that were previously closed are later cracked open. Cardboard cutouts of Bendy suddenly appear behind you. Boo!

See an axe? Grab it. It’s your only defence against these oozing ink monsters.

In the first chapter, you attempt to turn on the titular ink machine. This involves searching for the necessary components, like batteries, a wrench and, um, bacon soup. That soup might sound familiar to anyone who’s played Bendy In Nightmare Run.

Though the two are incredibly different games – Nightmare is a fast-paced infinite running game – they’re set in the same universe (and it’s cool to see the same world from slightly different angles).

Bendy and the Ink Machine feels like wandering around a creepy haunted house, filled with subtle but masterful storytelling. Play if you dare.