GIPHY ensures there’s a GIF ready whenever you need one.

GIPHY: The GIF Search Engine

GIF Keyboard & Sticker Maker


Constantly looking for new ways to express yourself using animated GIFs? Giphy makes searching and sharing GIFs absurdly easy. Open the app and you’ll see trending shots in the Giphy universe, from reality-show shockers to supercute kitten memes.

Send GIFs directly to your friends or post to social media with a tap.

If you already know exactly what you’re looking for – say, the “Bueller? Bueller?” clip from Ferris Bueller's Day Off – just search by keyword to pull it up. Teen Wolf reverse-dunking a basketball? Yep. Obscure, hilarious 1980s commercials? It’s all on there.

Once you’ve found your GIF, tap to send it in the body of a message or email or to post it to social media. Logging in will let you access your favourites even faster.

And if you can’t find the exact reaction GIF you’re after, upload your own or create one from a video saved to your device.

You can record a GIF within the app using your phone’s camera too. Teen Wolf has nothing on you.