Dig Deep!

Pixel dug madness awaits you


Today weve killed Roger at least twenty times. Sorry Roger.

Our moustache-clad space miner adores gold, and it’s our job to help him collect it. Roger’s mission is a dangerous one: as he digs ever deeper, the enemy aliens get meaner, mines more explosive and deadly traps more, um, deadly.

If you get stressed easily, Dig Deep! is not for you. As you dig deeper into the earth, it never really gives you a moment to catch your breath. Dither too long, and Roger will die. Have a close encounter with an alien, and Roger will die. Drop onto some spikes, and Roger will… You get where we’re going with this.

Each stage offers you different challenges, if you can avoid death long enough: reaching a certain depth, collecting a certain amount of gold, dropping onto an alien to kill it… Nail these objectives and you’ll get more rewards to help you out.