Genealogy made easy

Explore your ancestry with MacFamilyTree.

MacFamilyTree 10

The Best in Genealogy


Among genealogy apps, MacFamilyTree has quite a history.

The app debuted more than 25 years ago, back when researching your ancestors relied more on a visit to your great-aunt than mail-in DNA analysis. Ever since, MacFamilyTree has helped genealogy sleuths from around the globe document, organise and visualise their family history.

MacFamilyTree offers a rich, colourful take on your genealogy charts.

3D models you won’t find in any other app or service bring your family’s history vividly to life. It starts with the Interactive Family Tree, which gives you multiple views of your family and lets you dig into (and edit) the details of each member. Or use Person View to browse immigration documents, job histories, awards and other ephemera – you can even import data directly from the massive FamilySearch database.

Optimised for Metal and Apple silicon, MacFamilyTree’s intuitive charts and gorgeous maps render in a flash. The app’s Virtual Globe brings your family history into vivid relief by mapping each ancestor’s journey over land and sea. And sophisticated filters make it easy to quickly view, say, all relatives with brown eyes who ever lived in Manchester, or anyone born in Spain whose records are missing relative data.

The app’s Virtual Globe offers a fresh glance at your ancestors’ movements through history.

Interested in your family’s history but want something deeper than data and dates? MacFamilyTree can turn those facts and figures into a fleshed-out narrative. (Just go to the Reports section and click Person Report.) Got a box full of photos in the attic? Use the app to scan, enhance and colourise them in an instant – automatic face detection centers the subject’s face in the Interactive Tree and other views.

See what machine learning can do with your old black-and-white photos.

Is documenting your ancestors itself a family affair? MacFamilyTree lets multiple people edit info, whether they’re oceans apart or sitting across from each other at the kitchen table. And the CloudTree function securely syncs your data across your Mac, iPad and iPhone.

When you’re ready to share your research, save everything as a PDF or create a book. (If the cousins on your dad’s side don’t care to see your great-great-grandfather on your mum’s side, you can even split your tree for personalised sharing.) What better gift for your family than... your family?