Unlock Crossy Road’s coolest crossovers

Play as the cast of Pac-Man, Monument Valley and Katamari Damacy.

Crossy Road

Endless Arcade Hopper


There’s much more to Crossy Road than you might think. Underneath its charming, chunky art style and easy-to-play arcade action, there are a ton of secrets to be discovered.

Australian creator Hipster Whale has been adding new characters and juicy secrets to the game ever since it arrived in November 2014.

And within that ever-expanding cast of characters, there are some familiar faces from other popular App Store games – most notably characters from Pac-Man, Monument Valley and Katamari Damacy.

Check in to cameo central

Tap on the Chicken icon in the bottom left of the title screen and you’ll open up the character menu. Have a poke around and you’ll see dedicated Pac-Man and Katamari sections, plus a ‘Friends of Crossy’ section.

Tapping that Chicken icon opens up the character select menu.

The ‘Friends of Crossy’ section contains not only Monument Valley’s Ida, but characters from a raft of other indie games like Framed, Shooty Skies, Epoch and Disco Zoo. (Special mention must go to the weirdest cameo of them all: Flat Eric, the head-banging puppet from that old Levi’s jeans ad.)

So, here’s how to unlock some of our favourite crossover characters – and change the whole world of Crossy Road in the process.

Unlock the Pac-Man ghosts

You can unlock Pac-Man himself for free – just ‘purchase’ him for nothing from the character select screen. You can also win the Pac-Chicken from the prize machine at any point.

Playing as Pac-Man completely transforms the world of Crossy Road.

The four ghosts can only be unlocked by performing the below tasks while playing as Pac-Man:

  1. Unlock Blinky (the red one) by being hit by the rare Pac-Man car.
  2. Pinky (the pink one, obviously) can be found if you gobble up a pair of cherries.
  3. Access Inky (the blue one) by collecting 2500 dots over multiple play sessions.
  4. Find Clyde (the orange one) by eating at least seven ghosts in one play session.

Unlock Monument Valley’s Totem

You can win Monument Valley’s Ida, The Crow or The Storyteller through the prize machine, or just buy one of them from the character select screen.

Play as Ida and Crossy Road goes all Monument Valley.

Play as any of the three and keep an eye out for the Totem – play for long enough and you’ll see it floating along the river sections. Hop onto it and you’ll unlock it.

Unlock the Katamari cast

Like the Monument Valley characters, The Prince of All Cosmos can either be found through the prize machine, or bought from the ‘Katamari’ section of the character select screen.

This is our personal favourite: Crossy Road meets Katamari Damacy.

You need to play as The Prince of All Cosmos to unlock the rest of the cast, as follows:

  1. Collect at least 10 items in a single play session to unlock The Princess of All Cosmos.
  2. Grab The King of All Cosmos by collecting one chair, one toaster and one teddy bear in one session.
  3. You can only unlock The Queen of All Cosmos by playing as the King. Hit at least four cars with the King’s rainbow in one session to do so.