Puzzlers don’t get much more soothing than Piece Out.

Piece Out

Unblock shapes with a twist!


How relaxed can you be while playing a puzzle game? Try Piece Out and you’ll see.

While the game basically functions like a slide puzzle with Tetris-style shapes, its ambient and soothing soundtrack takes it to the next level—think Brian Eno’s Ambient 1: Music For Airports. We recommend playing with headphones on (and maybe lighting a few candles).

Get that red block to the pink square and you’ll see a serene light show.

Where some puzzlers deliberately raise the pressure, Piece Out finds interesting ways to lower it. A simple undo feature makes mistakes feel less consequential and encourages you to mess around to find the solution. Get stuck and you can use hints to guide you through the level step by step.

It’s also fascinating how, as you get further in, the simple premise grows more complex. Eventually you can rotate and flip certain shapes, creating variations on the same idea.

Piece Out isn’t just about winning or losing; it’s also about setting a mood. The engaging puzzles are almost a fun bonus. Ultimately, it feels much like slowly lowering yourself into a warm bath: pure, calming bliss.