Ulysses: Writing App
Write a novel, story, book
Zen-like and blissfully free of clutter, Ulysses is focused on one thing: quickly putting your words on the page.
What we love: Ulysses is about as simple as word processors get – and that’s the point! There are no format bars, inspectors, margins or borders – just your text. Use it for anything that requires putting scrawl to screen, including notes, your master’s thesis or that zombie apocalypse fan fiction you’ve been working on for years. Everything is saved in one library that syncs across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Quick tip: Focus on words rather than their appearance thanks to Markdown, a formatting method that uses symbols and characters to set styles. For example, you can bold text by enclosing it between two asterisks or use one asterisk to italicise.
Meet the creator: Once an aspiring novelist, designer Marcus Fehn struggled to find the perfect writing app. So he and co-founder Max Seeleman created their Platonic ideal, Ulysses, which won an Apple Design Award in 2016.