Never lose a recipe with Paprika

This handy recipe manager really gets you cooking.

Paprika Recipe Manager 3


If you’ve collected recipes from websites, magazines and family over the years, it can be hard to remember whether the one you want is bookmarked in your browser, buried in your email or printed on an index card. That’s where Paprika comes in. It manages everything culinary, including your grocery lists, in a single, convenient library.

Paprika corrals your favourite recipes and presents them in a cook-friendly format.

Though you can manually enter recipes, Paprika shines when importing them from the web. Use the app’s built-in browser to view the recipe online, then click the Download button. The app parses everything neatly into its template, separating out the ingredients (and their exact quantities), directions, nutritional information, comments and more.

Cooking with Paprika is just as convenient. Click an ingredient after you’ve added it to cross it out; click a step in the directions to highlight it so you can easily find your place; or click a cooking time to quickly start a timer.

Paprika makes it easy to scale a recipe for larger or smaller groups.

The app is also smart about ingredients lists. Need to cook for a smaller or larger group? Click Scale & Convert to quickly quarter or quadruple a recipe. You can also instantly convert between US and metric measurements and vice versa.

If you’re missing any ingredients, add them to Paprika’s handy Grocery List, which the app organises by supermarket aisle for faster shopping. The meal-planning feature lets you create weekly plans, along with a master shopping list with everything you need.

Check ingredients to add them to your grocery list, which you can view on Paprika’s companion iOS app.

And Paprika seamlessly syncs everything with its companion iOS app, so you can check off your grocery list as you shop and use your iPhone or iPad in the kitchen as you cook.