Get down to business with BFT - Bear Focus Timer.

BFT - Bear Focus Timer

Pomodoro Method + White Noise


Being able to put down your phone and truly focus once in a while is a real luxury, but the temptation of social media can be unbearable.

With BFT – Bear Focus Timer, being able to take an, ahem, paws from your phone is made simple.

That simplicity is the joy of BFT. To start your period of focus simply turn your phone over and a timer begins. Turn it face up again and it stops – no alarms and no surprises. When you have completed your focus session the app will tell you with either a chirp, a buzz or a flash of light.

BFT’s charming artwork and simple controls make focusing fun.

You can choose to have a variety of white noises as a background sound while you focus, or simply silence as you get things done. If you want to reset the timer, just press the bear’s belly button.

The art, featuring Tom the Bear, is charming. Using the app takes absolutely no extra brainpower and, after your period of focus you’ll certainly feel a lot less grizzly.