Duux 4+

Duux B.V.

Ontworpen voor iPad

    • 2,1 • 11 beoordelingen
    • Gratis



Welcome to the future of air treatment with Duux Smart, your ultimate companion for creating a comfortable and healthy living environment. Our app is designed to bring convenience and innovation right to your fingertips, allowing you to seamlessly connect and manage your Duux devices.

With Duux Smart, you have the power to monitor your devices in real-time, ensuring optimal air quality and device performance at all times. The app's intuitive design allows for easy scheduling of operations, matching your lifestyle and ensuring your home is always welcoming.

Remote control capabilities mean you can adjust settings, switch modes, and manage your devices from anywhere, offering both convenience and peace of mind. Our user-friendly interface makes controlling sophisticated air treatment simple, making it accessible to everyone.

Why choose Duux Smart? It's not just about controlling your devices; it's about enhancing your living space and promoting a healthier, happier home.

Download Duux Smart now and transform your approach to air treatment. Breathe easy and enjoy a smarter, more connected home.


Versie 4.0.5

Duux is committed to continue improving your experience with your Duux products.
In this update, new features have been added and bugs have been squashed.
You might notice the following:
- Support for the new Bright 2 device
- Updated controls for the Edge Oil

Beoordelingen en recensies

2,1 van 5
11 beoordelingen

11 beoordelingen

Ruub86 ,


App werkt wel, dan weer niet. Heel onbetrouwbaar. Product zelf werkt erg goed, applicatie interface ziet er goed uit maar applicatie zelf is schrikbarend slecht.

TimComposer ,

App werkt niet

Erg slecht. De waaier Connect met de wifi. Als je via de app de waaier aan zet hoor je een piepje, dus er is een connectie. Maar de waaier gaat niet aan. Vervolgens zelf de waaier aanzetten, daarna weer uit zetten met de app werkt wel. Heel raar. Erg slecht voor zo’n premium prijs. De waaier gaat retour

JaapvW ,

Two apps?

Hold on…already use three Duux whisper vans for years. Bought a new one a few weeks ago and the new one doesn’t connect to the app. A popup appears saying I should us a new app. Ok….but my old vans won’t connect to the new app….really Duux? Identical products…but different apps? And no Homekit support…


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