MyScript Calculator

Handwriting calculator


You might not remember trigonometry or how to balance an equation, but one lesson stuck: in maths, you always show your working.

MyScript Calculator is a smart version of an exercise book. Write your calculation free hand on the screen in interactive ink, and the app will calculate the answer in any format – whether you need it decimal, fraction or mixed.

Set the number of decimal points you round your sums to, do truncated or rounded approximation, and add and solve percentages and equations. Simply use a question mark or percentage sign and the app will do the rest for you.

Unlike your exercise book, you can drag your numbers around, and build complicated calculations over any number of lines.

On clunky analogue calculators it’s easy to lose track and have to start the whole process from scratch, but MyScript Calculator saves every calculation, so you have a record of your sums. You can also scribble out and rewrite as much as you want and re-do any part of the sum by tapping a button to leap backwards.

It’s the best of both worlds: scrawling free hand is more engaging than tapping in numbers and MyScript Calculator has the brain of a supercomputer. Mathletes will be delighted.