Afraid to play in the dark?

You’ve watched horror movies, you’ve read frightening stories, but have you played scary games? When you’re the one navigating the terror, it’s a whole different experience.

Five Nights at Freddy’s

For years, this series has been one of the most effective ways to get yourself to yelp in fear. Ready for nerve-singeing scares as you try to avoid horrifying creatures? Start with the original.


Developer Playdead’s side-scrolling masterpiece is worth playing any time of year, but the game’s mix of macabre surprises and sheer wonder is especially appropriate for Halloween.

Cube Escape: The Cave

This puzzler drops you into a seriously weird room, its walls covered with bizarre contraptions and oddities. Although unsettling, untangling its mysteries is always entertaining.

Year Walk

Indie developer Simogo launched this innovative adventure in 2013, and it’s still just as amazing. What better time to set out on this haunting journey in the woods—or to experience it all over again?

Tormentum - Mystery Adventure

Now we’re getting into very strange territory. With a horror vibe and twisted character and environment designs, this nightmarish adventure is not for the fainthearted. You’ve been warned.