It’s a jungle out there in this battle arena.

Zooba: Zoo Battle Royale Games

Royal adventure shooting game


Sure, you’ve been to the zoo before – but have you ever seen a gorilla with a gun, or a fox with a crossbow? Zooba is a battle royale game with dynamic characters, fast-paced action and explosive combat.

What we love: Zooba’s cast of slickly animated animals, they’re armed to the teeth and raring to go. The zoo is an enormous battlefield, with firefights erupting among 20 online players. In true battle royale style, as the arena shrinks, the shootout’s intensity rises – that’s four minutes of increasingly frantic fighting.

Zooba is abundant in cute critters with plenty of bite!

Quick tip: Pause for a few seconds to grab all-important weapons and medkits. There’s no doubt you’ll want to run when there’s a ring of fire closing in, but restocking the essentials could be the deciding factor between you and the last players standing.

Meet the creator: Developer Wildlife Studios was founded in Brazil in 2011. They’ve created more than 60 games, including Zooba, Tennis Clash and Sky Warriors, which have been downloaded billions of times by players worldwide.