SimpleRockets 2 is a spaceship extravaganza.

Juno: New Origins Complete Ed.

Build and fly rockets & planes


5. 4. 3. 2. 1…Blastoff!

You can put down the toy rocket and stop making ‘wooshing’ noises. If you really want to live out your space-faring fantasies then SimpleRockets 2 will give you a far more realistic experience.

Whether you want to put a satellite into orbit or plan a mission to Mars, SimpleRockets 2 offers a mass of tools for designing, launching and piloting your own virtual spacecraft.

Looking good so far, but let’s see you leave Earth’s atmosphere...

Handy tutorials walk you through assembling your first rocket. And after you’ve picked up the essentials such as a command pod, fuel tanks and engines, you can start to experiment with cool gizmos including solar panels and descent parachutes.

Finished building your creation? It’s time to head to the launchpad and start the countdown.

Seeing how different parts performed will suggest what upgrades to make.

Trajectory markers will guide your rocket into orbit, or you can take manual control and do a flyby over the space centre.

Despite its name, SimpleRockets 2 packs as much complexity as you care to tackle. The only limit to what’s possible is your imagination – and the laws of physics.