Tafheem ul Quran - Tafseer 4+

Akhzar Nazir

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Tafheem-ul-Quran (Urdu: تفہيم القرآن, "Towards the Understanding of Qur'an") written by Islamic scholar Syed Abul Ala Maududi.

Maulana Maududi took 30 years to finish the work. Maulana Maududi uses the standard technique of providing an explanation of the Quranic verses from the Sunnah of Messenger of Allah (PBUH), including the historical reasons behind the verses. This Tafseer deals
extensively with issues faced by the modern world in general and the Muslim community in particular. It was completed 50 years before but

readers will always feel the work is written some days before, the beauty of the writings of Moulana Maududi. Moulana Maududi has written

more than 100 different books and all his writings are seem masterpiece.

The Most Popular Features of tafheem ul Quran is holy quran mp3 And quran urdu translation in App.you can also Learn koran Word by Word translation

and also listen the Recitation the Quran ayat by ayat

If you feel that the the add of this app is disturb you during the recitation of Holy Quran there is an easy way to get rid of add. you can purchase
our Tafheem ul Quran paid version


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for this purchase Add will not disturb you. The link of this app will be as follows

App Features:

Complete Tafheem ul Quran.

Complete Tafseer

إذاعة القرآن الكريم

القرآن كامل

Word by Word Translation

Word by Word Colour Feature added

All 6 Volumes of Tafheem Ul Quran

Complete Quran With Translation

Complete Tafheem ul Quran 6 Volumes

Customize Arabic Font Size

Customize Urdu Font Size

Save Bookmarks



Do read and benefit from this app in shaa Allah and help us spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible.

Also, do give your feedback about the app.

Co nowego

Wersja 1.0.10

- Books are added by Syed Abul Ala Maududi
- Font size issue fixed.
- Code optimisation for better performance

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