Ultra Sharp

Cut Everything!


A blue triangle is stuck to the ceiling. Below it, a blue star. This is the puzzle. To solve it, you need to slice the triangle, so it falls and hits the blue star. Simple, right? It is, at first.

Within no time, Ultra Sharp has introduced dozens of new obstacles and mechanics. In some puzzles, the sliceable blue area is spinning – meaning you need to account for inertia and time your slice just right. In another stage, the blue section floats up and out of the stage when it’s severed.

Ultra Sharp might be the name of the game, but it’s also how you'll feel when you beat a tough conundrum.

And this is just the blue section – a.k.a. the first 32 puzzles. After the blue levels come the green ones, where your new goal is to get all the green shapes to fall off the stage. And there are still more than 200 puzzles to go after that.

While experimentation is important, most puzzles do actually have a right answer. It’s always the solution that requires the fewest swipes (and it just feels right). When you nail it, you’ll be awarded a crown for mastering the stage.

Earning crowns is an irresistible challenge, and you might not want to progress until you've nailed a tough conundrum. Mastering stages requires ample trial and error, but when you're truly stumped you can always move on. As long as you can finish the stage’s challenge – in any number of swipes – you can go to the next level, percolate on the problem and return later.

But don't worry, the puzzles are always fun, no matter how you slice it.