Turn any exercise into an awesome animated video with Relive.

Relive: Hike & Ride Memories

3D videos & activity tracking


Every outdoor activity should be an adventure in itself, even a simple morning jog. That’s the premise of Relive, the app that turns your run, hike, ski or cycle into a story. It tracks your movements and presents them as an engaging, information-packed video.

Relive animates your route over a 3D map, splicing in any photos you took along the way. You’ll see your speed and the points where you paused. You can even annotate with emojis and notes about your mood.

It takes only a few moments to complete, and then you can share with your mates as a sort of illustrated brag – or just use it to jog your memory.

With Relive you can transform a run, cycle or hike into a story.

Weirdly, the process incentivises you to look around as you exercise. You’re inclined to select an exciting route and pause to photograph details, knowing later they’ll become part of a slick record of your session.

Relive is designed for fitness, but this might also be a novel way to document a holiday: have fun stringing together photos of that romantic stroll through Paris, or maybe just your weekend shopping trip with friends.

The app records your performance and how much ground you’ve covered, plus it syncs with other apps. So if you’re already using Apple Health, Relive is an addition, not a replacement.

It’s free, although there is a premium Relive Club option that adds HD, music, more detail and longer recordings.

While there’s no shortage of activity trackers out there, having your stats and snaps displayed on an infographic-style landscape gives your exercise a ‘TV replay’ feel.