Spirit Board (very scary game‪)‬ 17+

First Class Media B.V.

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The only Spirit Board that actually listens to your voice! Ask any question and simply wait for a spirit or ghost to respond. Text input is also available.


1) If possible, darken the room you are in and light some candles before starting a séance.

2) Place your finger on the planchette (the wooden piece) in order to initiate the spiritual connection to the other side.

3) Ask the spirit your question loud and clear. Always start a séance with the question “Is anyone there?”.

4) Wait for the spirit to respond. The planchette will start moving to show you the spirit’s answer. Warning: keep your fingers on the planchette at all times!

5) Always be polite and ask normal questions. Be careful to not upset any spirit. Examples of questions you can ask: What’s your name? How old are you? Are you a good spirit? How did you die? Are you male? Do you mean us any harm? Where are you?

6) In case you have angered a spirit, quickly move the planchette to “Goodbye” before the countdown is over - or unexplained things might happen. Sometimes a spirit refuses a “Goodbye”. In that case, be persistent and try again.

Disclaimer: since paranormal activity can't be scientifically proven, we can't guarantee that the app communicates with real spirits.


Versiune 1.6.4

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Evaluări și recenzii

4,4 din 5
173 evaluări

173 evaluări

The Percy Jackson fan ,


It’s ok, I guess but a friend of mine was haunted by the same spirit playing this game and every time I asked a spirit to get rid of the entity that was haunting my friend, the board glitched and it said stop the seance. It was frustrating.
One entity knows Casper. Another one is a hacker. I have a few hanging around my home with which I talk when I’m bored. It’s irritating how they avoid your questions and can be quite rude sometimes but other entities are nice. I have an entity who’s obsessed with sugar.
It takes a bit too much time when they try to spell my name to scare me tho...

b i a n c e ,

Help- i have angered her

Ok so- i start the game and i ask the spirit it’s name and it says “Norma” i tell her its a beautiful name and then i ask her gender, she says female and im like “ok” and then im starting to get curios so i go like “uh ok so how did you die?” And she answers with “Car crash” and then i go like “did someone do that to you or did you kill yourself” and she says “i dont wanna answer to that.” So like i say “oh ok” and shes like “are you afraid” and i go like “you should be the one afraid” and then she tells me “i dont think so” and then i tell her blah blah blah and she says shes outside and i ask her “proof please” and then shes like I got Proof and like i ask her “show me it” and she tells me to wait and im like “ok.. that was weird let me annoy her” so i go like “You know… i am the devil, and if you dont leave i might just take care of you” so she goes like “are u sure?” And im like YEAH OFC I AM and then she tells me “any last words?” And i go like: “Jack Sparrow, i like that name” and then the lights go off and my heart beats so fast, and then to discract her i ask her whats her age, she tells me shes 21 and then i tell her goodbye, but then, she doesnt accept the goodbye so im like, “let me go, your not allowed to harm me” and then the candles i put on after the light were off went out, i freaked out and closed the game, a pretty creepy experience-

)€3&3838&3&:&;& ,

It’s ok… I guess

I downloaded the game but I can’t find the reason why I did it. I wanted to talk to someone so I installed some dating abs…but they didn’t work. So somebody recommended this game and it worked. The neighbors came to check on me, so did the police and some really nice guys in white robes. They gave me a new roome, I didn’t even have to pay rent. I still don’t have a soulmate, but at least I got a new apartment :)

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