Iron Marines: RTS offline game

Real time strategy battles!


Developer Ironhide Game Studio, best known for the Kingdom Rush series, isn’t shy about comparing its latest and most ambitious game, Iron Marines, to another well-known franchise.

“It reminds us of StarCraft,” says company cofounder Alvaro Azofra, referring to Blizzard’s classic real-time strategy series. “And we’ve been very inspired by it.”

On first encounter, that seems like an accurate parallel. After all, both games offer deep, tactical challenges complete with top-down perspectives on science-fiction universes. They even boast similar styles, rich with colour and fluid 2D animation. But Iron Marines, while incredibly fun, feels lighter and less daunting, which is exactly the point. It’s been designed for shorter sessions so you can get in, kick some alien butt and get on with your day.

Iron Marines has a lot in common with StarCraft.

That, however, doesn’t mean it lacks depth. The game includes 14 missions across a 20-hour campaign that spans two remarkable worlds. Along the way, you’ll defend and attack bases, rescue troops, hack computers, upgrade and customise your infantry and heroes, equip better weapons, battle gigantic bosses, and more. If you like near-insurmountable difficulty levels, there’s even an impossible mode.

Add superb touch controls and simple, elegant menu items for intuitive defensive and offensive manoeuvres and you have a real-time strategy game that plays every bit as good as it looks.