Learn language from locals.

Memrise: Speak a new language

Learn it like you live there


When learning a new language, basics like reading and writing tutorials can feel tedious, but Learn Languages with Memrise turns them into compelling mini-games that are hard to put down and easy enough to complete on the go.

Start by selecting your desired language from the extensive list of options.

Practise by listening to everyday people speaking in their native tongue.

You’ll learn simple greetings and phrases, including commonly used, less formal versions. As you progress you’ll earn points, level-up and meet Grammarbot – a charming alien who will teach you about sentence construction and unfamiliar letters.

With a pro subscription, you can chat with real people all over the world to help build your skills, or chat bots who may be less intimidating. You can also access practice games to really commit your vocabulary to memory and a Memrise membership also lets you access all lessons offline.

In the Explore area of the app, you can access a tool that uses machine learning and your iPhone or iPad camera to tell you the name of an object in the language you’re studying. It may not always be 100 per cent accurate, but the more you use it, the more you, and the app, will learn. This feature will come into its own if you travel to your chosen language's country of origin.