BeEfficient MT 17+

Malta Information Technology Agency

Conçu pour iPad

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BeEffient MT aims to raise awareness on Water and Energy Conservation amongst consumers (domestic, commercial and industrial) aged 25+ years, by allowing users to register daily water consumption activities, see tips and share progress. The app also includes the energy conservation element. The objective of the app is to inform consumers of ways to improve water use and cost through a medium (smartphone/tablet) which is widely used by consumers throughout the day. Such application should indirectly make users more aware of their water and energy conservation.

Water element: BeEfficient MT allows the user to choose their daily water consumption activities such as shower, flushing, dishwasher ecc. with an assisted guide to inform you of the average consumption per activity. The app asks the user to input an amount of litres (either input the amount of litres or choose the guided section and input the number of times that activity was used that particular day. The latter allows the app to take the average amoount of litres). Depending on the users’ inputs, data is available within the dashboard through weekly, monthly and yearly reports so that users can make comparisons with previous statistics.The app also informs you if you exceeded the approximate daily consumption.

Energy element: The energy conservation element is included also in the app by allowing users to insert the kw/hr consumption from their utility bills of their household. This way the app keeps a carbon footprint and informs you whether you have exceeded the average consumption when calculated with the same months of the previous years.

Tips: BeEfficient MT also entails a section within the dashboard which provides tips on how a user can save water and energy.


BeEffient MT għandu l-għan li jqajjem kuxjenza dwar il-Konservazzjoni tal-Ilma u l-Enerġija fost il-konsumaturi (domestiċi, kummerċjali u industrijali) li għandhom 25+ sena, billi jippermettu lill-utenti jirreġistraw attivitajiet ta’ konsum tal-ilma kuljum, jaraw pariri u jaqsmu l-progress. L-app tinkludi wkoll l-element tal-konservazzjoni tal-enerġija. L-għan tal-app huwa li jinforma lill-konsumaturi dwar modi kif itejbu l-użu u l-ispiża tal-ilma permezz ta’ mezz diġitali (smartphone / tablet) li jintuża ħafna mill-konsumaturi matul il-ġurnata. Applikazzjoni bħal din għandha tagħmel indirettament lill-utenti aktar konxji tal-konservazzjoni tal-ilma u l-enerġija tagħhom.

Element tal-ilma: BeEfficient MT jippermetti lill-utent jagħżel l-attivitajiet ta’ kuljum tal-konsum tal-ilma bħal doċċa, shower, eċċ. bi gwida assistita biex tinfurmak bil-konsum medju għal kull attività. L-app titlob lill-utent biex idaħħal ammont ta’ litri (jew daħħal l-ammont ta' litri jew agħżel is-sezzjoni ggwidata u daħħal in-numru ta’ drabi li dik l-attività ntużat dak il-jum partikolari. Din tal-aħħar tippermetti lill-app tieħu l-ammont medju ta' litri) . Skont l-inputs tal-utenti, id-dejta hija disponibbli fid-daxxbord permezz ta’ rapporti ta' kull ġimgħa, kull xahar u kull sena sabiex l-utenti jkunu jistgħu jagħmlu paraguni ma’ statistiċi preċedenti. L-app tinfurmak ukoll jekk qbiżtx il-konsum approssimattiv ta' kuljum.

Element tal-enerġija: L-element tal-konservazzjoni tal-enerġija huwa inkluż ukoll fl-app billi jippermetti lill-utenti jdaħħlu l-konsum kw/hr mill-kontijiet tal-utilità tagħhom tad-dar tagħhom. B'dan il-mod l-app iżżomm marka tal-karbonju u tinfurmak jekk qbiżtx il-konsum medju meta kkalkulat bl-istess xhur tas-snin ta 'qabel.

Tips: BeEfficient MT jinvolvi wkoll taqsima fid-daxxbord li tipprovdi pariri dwar kif utent jista’ jiffranka l-ilma u l-enerġija.


Version 1.0.5

Minor Bug fixes

Confidentialité de l’app

Le développeur Malta Information Technology Agency a indiqué que le traitement des données tel que décrit ci‑dessous pouvait figurer parmi les pratiques de l’app en matière de confidentialité. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la politique de confidentialité du développeur.

Données non collectées

Le développeur ne collecte aucune donnée avec cette app.

Les pratiques en matière de confidentialité peuvent varier, notamment en fonction des fonctionnalités que vous utilisez ou de votre âge. En savoir plus

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