انتقام السلاطين

لعبة الحرب العربية


Strategy games are incredibly popular because there’s a level of intensity that comes with building up an army, planning your takeover and battling alongside your friends, family and allies. That's what Revenge of Sultans is all about. In Revenge of Sultans, victory is hard-earned and requires an immense amount of prep, planning and near perfect execution. In battle, any guidance is greatly appreciated and the team at ONEMT Limited gave some advice on the best strategy to conquer your opponents.

1. Build and learn.
Develop your castle and learn military technologies. This may seem obvious, but mastering all the available technology while building up an impenetrable fortress is the simplest way to stay one step ahead of your opponents.

2. Teamwork, teamwork and teamwork.
Unify your allies and build a solid team of players. A silly as it sounds, sometimes your best path to running the land has little to do with you and more with who you associate your army with. Make sure the strategy is clear and everyone is on the same page at all times.

3. Practice makes perfect.
Train many troops and get in the tournaments. The more battles the more experience you gain, the better your odds to learn, adapt and grow as a player. Every battle is a new chance to try a new technique or learn a new strategy. Worst case scenario you keep winning and gaining advantages.

4. Always trust your furry friends!
Collect all the pets, the more the merrier. From the Barbary Lion to the Desert Panther, having all the pets in your arsenal is a must. You can have the Arabian Wolf, but without the falcon your collection is still incomplete. Each one brings a special skill set, so never underestimate their importance.