Copy URLs and Titles 4+

tillägg för att kopiera URL

Yoshiko Sato

    • 9,00 kr



This extension copies the URL and title. URLs and titles of multiple tabs and windows can also be retrieved at once.

This extension works on Safari.

How to use the template setup screen
・Set the name of the template in the field labeled "name of the following template" and the template that will be used as the text when copied in the field labeled "template for copying".
・Check the allTabs checkbox if you want to retrieve URLs and other elements from all tabs, not just the currently open tab.
・Check allWindows checkbox if you want to retrieve elements from all windows.
・If you want to add a new word, press the Plus button.
・The registered templates can be deleted by clicking the Clear button.

About Templates
・The following variables can be included in the template and will be replaced with the corresponding data from the retrieving website.
・Currently supported variables are &url, &title, &number, &location.
・Variable &number returns the number of the copied tabs in sequence as 1, 2, 3, etc.
・Variable &location returns the string of the URL minus the scheme.
・Other variables return the data registered at the site. If no data is registered, an empty string is displayed.

If you have any requests, questions, or wish to report bugs, etc., please contact us at the address below.


We welcome the inclusion of our apps on websites and in magazines. You can publish our apps with no need for permission.


Version 2.0.0

Added new variable &location.
・Variable &location returns the string of the URL minus the scheme.


Utvecklaren Yoshiko Sato har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data samlas inte in

Utvecklaren samlar inte in några data från den här appen.

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer


  • Familjedelning

    Upp till sex familjemedlemmar kan använda den här appen när Familjedelning är aktiverad.

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