Dex World 17+


    • Gratis



If you own a Restaurant,Cafe,Bar or Hotel then you know - it's hard to stay in control.

Dex helps businesses transform their operations through automation.
Our platform digitizes and automates all of your daily tasks, maintenance, and general operations while significantly improving communication within your organization.

With Dex, you can map out your most crucial operational needs and communicate with your HQ/Managers/Employees without letting important tasks fall through the cracks.

Dex will become your operation’s primary communication channel where all tasks can be followed up on via photos/videos or status updates, and all conversations take place in a task-oriented chat. All chats can be fully translated into any language so that each employee will see it in their own language.

Dex helps you manage and control all of your urgent and crucial missions, with an online faults dashboard being reported to by all employees and managers for any type of broken/dysfunctioning objects or any special urgent needs.

With Dex you can expect to improve your maintenance and efficiency, you will reduce employee dependency, and will eliminate fines and regulatory damages.
Dex creates a complete operational playbook so you can easily track, manage, grow and expand your business.

Great operations are the key to success.


Version 2.0.4

What's New:

• Improved chat interface with new color schemes
• Filters for tickets and tasks are now saved automatically
• HQ users can now filter tickets by assignees
• Added a new release notes page
• Enhanced design for the objects and category page
• Fixed various issues on the user notifications page
• Fixed various issues with checklist functionality and subtask comment handling
• Fixed issues for tasks “Pending Since” and task PDF share


Utvecklaren TOPeration har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data som är kopplade till dig

Följande data kan komma att samlas in och kopplas till din identitet:

  • Identifierare
  • Diagnostik

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer

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