FretBuzz Progressions 4+

Altug Basaran

Designad för iPad

    • 49,00 kr



FretBuzz Progressions is an application for learning and practicing common jazz chord progressions on guitar.

It shows chord diagrams for ii V I, I vi ii V and Blues progressions.
Blues progressions cover basic blues with two fives and turnarounds and advances to Charle Parker's Blues for Alice.

The chords/diagrams listed start with basic chords/diagrams and then advance to chords/diagrams with extensions and alterations (when possible).

All chords/diagrams are connected with smooth voice leading.

The chord diagrams used are the common chord shapes used in jazz guitar;

- Shells
- Drop 3 Chords
- Drop 2 Chords
- Drop 2 & 4 and Drop 2 Chords.

The application can play the progression and it's variation you choose along with a metronome. You can set the speed of the metronome and follow along as the playing chord/diagram is highlighted.

You can tap on the chord name to hear its sound. Tapping on a chord note will play only that particular note.

You can adjust the size of the chord diagrams for your device.
There is also a left handed option in the settings.

You can think of this application as volume II of my "FretBuzz Chords" app.


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