OptiLingo - Language Learning 4+

OptiLingo, LLC

Designad för iPad

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Learn languages in an easy, fun and effective way with OptiLingo: Language Learning through Speaking app. Become a master of conversations in many world languages: from Chinese, Danish, Circassian, Turkish and 16 more languages.

Learning new vocabulary is a piece of cake when placed in a meaningful context.

Acquiring native-like pronunciation is child’s-play when words, phrases and sentences are learned naturally. That’s how the OptiLingo: Language Learning Through Speaking app aims to help you improve your existing knowledge of a language. It can even give you a great start if you are a beginner and taking up a foreign language learning.

It’s simple. Just Listen, repeat, speak and master with ease.

Pick a language to learn and start your free trial today!

OptiLingo currently offers these languages: Arabic, Chinese, Circassian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

OptiLingo: Language Learning through Speaking app is made for you:

• Typing is out, speaking is in! You’ll be speaking phrases and sentences in any of our 20 languages in no time.

• OptiLingo is not loaded with boring drills and memorization. Learn a language naturally by focusing on phrases native speakers use every day.

• High frequency words and phrases are repeated in different contexts to make it more memorable for you.

• Learn and speak wherever you are. Listen and repeat while driving, doing chores or shopping.

• 100 easy and useful lessons to choose from. Start from a simple “Hola” or “Ciao” and track your progress to full-on conversational sentences.

• 1500 useful everyday phrases in Korean, German, Icelandic, French, Hindi, Russian and 14 other languages.

• Over 30 hours of audio lessons with amazing, easy to follow pronunciation to help you master languages faster.

• Foreign language lessons are short, so it’s easy to stay focused and optimized for best learning. 20 minutes per lesson, 5 days a week gives you free weekends with no school!

OptiLingo: Language Learning through Speaking app helps both beginners and advanced learners learn a language in a fun, meaningful way.

Listen to words, phrases and sentences, learn pronunciation and speak like a native. Improve vocabulary. Gain confidence in your speaking skills.

OptiLingo offers exciting lessons and language learning in the following languages:
Arabic, Chinese, Circassian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Learn the lingo. Learn the language. Speak like a native.

Ideas or feedback? Email us at contact@optilingo.com


Version 2.7.2

- Added ability to delete user's account


Utvecklaren OptiLingo, LLC har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data som används för att spåra dig

Följande data kan komma att användas för att spåra dig i appar och på webbplatser som ägs av andra företag:

  • Identifierare
  • Användnings­data

Data som är kopplade till dig

Följande data kan komma att samlas in och kopplas till din identitet:

  • Identifierare
  • Användnings­data

Data som inte kopplas till dig

Följande data kan samlas in men den kopplas inte till din identitet:

  • Identifierare
  • Användnings­data
  • Diagnostik

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer

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