Othent 4+

Community Labs

Designad för iPad

    • Gratis



Othent is your one account that makes it easy to use Arweave applications with existing logins like Google and Apple. Create a new account or use one of your favorite social account and you are good to go!

With Othent, you can:

- Upload files: Othent makes it easy to upload files, so you can store your memories securely and always have them under your control.
- See all your activity: Othent shows your activity, so you can track all your transactions.
- Send and receive assets easily: Send or receive assets from anyone you know.

Othent is Simple and Secure

Othent is designed to be simple to use, so you can get started right away. And because Othent uses a number of security features, your data is always safe and under your control.

Try Othent Today

Download the Othent extension today and start using Arweave applications with ease.


- Simple and easy to use
- Secure
- Allows you to upload files
- Lets you see all your activity
- Uses your existing traditional credentials


- Easily access to Arweave applications
- Store your data securely and always under your control
- All your Arweave application activity in one place
- No need to create a new account

Download Othent Today

Download the Othent extension today and start using Arweave applications with ease.


Utvecklaren Community Labs har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data som är kopplade till dig

Följande data kan komma att samlas in och kopplas till din identitet:

  • Kontakt­information
  • Identifierare

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer

Mer från den här utvecklaren

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