

VTEvents is an event staff & volunteer management solution that helps event management and HR professionals save time, reduce resourcing costs and increase revenue.

Key App Features;
- Quick and easy access to available shifts & events, as well as events you're already rostered to
- Navigate to events with ease, and view event maps, along with any additional added information
- Submit your expression of interest for any events you would like to attend
- View event information, weather for the day, rostering information and more
- Add in & update your ongoing availabilities
- Mark any dates you're unavailable or away - on holidays / have other commitments
- Confirm any tentative shifts
- Receive a heads-up when new work/shifts/events is posted
- Download & view company or event documents & information
- Confirm hours worked
- Submit event stats, feedback, photos and documents with post-event reports
- Record admin hours spent outside of events - paperwork, vehicle preparation & equipment maintenance and other tasks
- View and report on the hours you've worked and accumulated
- Update your information, contact details, and emergency information
- Include any new and renewed skills, qualifications, certifications and more
- Add in drivers license info and vehicle information - eg. for parking & vehicle passes
- Follow & participate in discussions with fellow team-members
- Review and acknowledge any notices published for staff

Privacy Policy: https://www.vtevents.com.au/privacy-policy/
Terms of Service: https://www.vtevents.com.au/terms-of-service/


Version 1.2.1

Confirming hours - breaks hours are allowed decimal values now
Current & Upcoming events now have date & day
Event details have onsite contact
Various bug fixes


Utvecklaren Victor Technologies Pty Ltd har angett att appens integritetsrutiner kan inkludera hantering av data enligt beskrivningen nedan. Det finns mer information i utvecklarens integritetspolicy.

Data som är kopplade till dig

Följande data kan komma att samlas in och kopplas till din identitet:

  • Användnings­data

Data som inte kopplas till dig

Följande data kan samlas in men den kopplas inte till din identitet:

  • Diagnostik

Sekretessriktlinjer kan variera, till exempel utifrån de funktioner du använder eller din ålder. Läs mer

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