Hex of Steel 4+

WW2 turn-based Strategy game‪.‬

Valentin Lievre

    • S$ 6.98


▶ 重要提示:Hex of Steel 是一款对图形要求较高的游戏。为了获得最佳体验,尤其是在最大场景中,我们建议使用拥有强大GPU/CPU的设备。2017年以后的设备,如iPhone X,应该能够流畅运行这些场景。然而,所有设备都可以进入广泛的战役模式并参与激动人心的多人战斗。◀

▶ 指挥战争,书写历史 ◀
沉浸在《Hex of Steel》这款新颖的二战策略游戏中,它涵盖了所有主要战线。指挥你的部队横跨欧洲、非洲和太平洋,这是一款将深度战略玩法与尖端机制相结合的游戏。

▶ 由热情驱动 ◀
从一个只有53欧元的Kickstarter梦想开始,Hex of Steel 发展成了一款极具吸引力的策略游戏,这证明了其创造者的决心与热情。这不仅仅是另一款战争游戏,而是一个由忠实社区投入心血打造的爱之结晶。

▶ 为什么Hex of Steel与众不同 ◀
• 持续进化:超过400次更新,Hex of Steel 不断进行改进与完善,确保每次游戏都有新鲜和平衡的体验。
• 动态AI:与会对你的每一步行动做出反应的AI交战,提供一个具有挑战性且公平的体验,无需依赖作弊手段。
• 广阔的场景:在精心打造的巨型地图上指挥你的部队,这些地图涵盖了欧洲、北非、太平洋及其他区域。
• 无限定制:通过50多种政策和学说,自定义你的游戏体验,从军事战术到占领战略。启用控制区、现实供应和战争迷雾等可选设置,以适应你的风格。
• 史诗战役:通过分支、动态的战役引领你的核心部队,重写军事历史。
• 跨平台游戏:通过跨平台多人游戏,与PC和移动平台上的朋友无缝对战。
• 无限创意:使用编辑器套件设计你自己的场景、单位和地图,或通过随机场景生成器进入无限重玩性。
• 战略深度:运用外交手段,缔结联盟,宣战和谈判停战协议。你的战略选择将决定游戏的进程。
• 广阔的重玩性:拥有45个可玩国家,从德国到蒙古再到伊拉克,Hex of Steel 提供了前所未有的战略和挑战多样性。
• 沉浸式环境:体验动态天气和季节变化,伴随着令人惊叹的视觉和音效,战场仿佛活了起来。
• 无隐藏费用:享受完整的游戏,无需应用内购买或付费内容——你所见即所得。

▶ 加入一个充满活力的社区 ◀
拥有1600+成员的活跃Discord社区,你会在Hex of Steel的丰富世界中找到大量的支持、提示和友谊。

无论你是经验丰富的策略家还是该领域的新手,Hex of Steel 都提供了一种深度沉浸且可自定义的战争游戏体验,将挑战你的战术才能。



版本 7.7.14

• 8 cm 29M (AA) to Hungary.
• BA-20, BT-7, BA-6, BA-27, T-34 76 1943, T-34 85 to Mongolia.
• BA-27 to USSR.
• Garrisons to Iceland.
• Light infantry 43 to Spain (fascist).
• 28cm Krupp K5 railway gun to Germany.
• Possibility through the units editor to personalize in what direction units can rotate.
• Units will now face the general direction of the enemy on scenario start (instead of all facing in the same direction).

• Multiplayer compat version.
• Slightly increased supply depots upkeep.
• Core code datastructure related to research and unit facing rotation. This will lead to a reset of this data on your save files.
• AI engineers won't sit on rivers forever, if nobody needs them there, they will move out.
• Small cost increase between strategic bombers capacities (damage).
• Improved balance of Europe '39 and '44.
• Reworked entirely the unit indice system, units numbers (indices) are now being properly recycled (no more 1000th light inf).
• Related to the above change, several unit types are now in their own indice category.
• Annexing tiles which have no production value is now 50% more expensive.
• Annexing tiles which have a production value will now also be more expensive.
• Prototype units now are only 30% more expensive than what they would normally be (their very limited max fielded number is really limiting them already).
• Whole bunch of units turned into prototypes (SU-26, AT-1, T-44, Neubaufahrzeug...).
• Added extra categories for prototypes so they don't count as regular units (for units indices).
• Unit cost rounding from 10 to 5.

• AI units movement sounds could be heard while in FOW.
• AI AA units moving without attacking first.
• AI will now better remember where enemy units providing supportive fire are.
• Upgrading/Downgrading a unit would not update its name.
• Not possible to assign custom faction in map editor after adding a new player, you would need to close and re open the settings to be able to do it.
• If you changed the max HP of some units, the game would not properly apply the change(s) when opening a save file.
• Gunboats could not move across anti tank obstacles on bridges.
• Downgrading an infantry unit from a paratrooper into a regular infantry would keep its type as a plane (if the para unit was not on the ground).
• Anyone could delete any hosted PBEM game (instead of host only).
• AI units when being downgraded or upgraded would lose some fuel / ammo in the process (which the AI would have to pay for to refill).
• Made the AI less prone to being ambushed and running into enemy VPs.
• Units pathfinding issue when clicking on a tile to move to.
• AI submarines not diving when moving a second time.
• AI freeze with mods when upgrading/downgrading garrisons.
• Italy (AI) would transfer all the captured British VPs to Germany instead of keeping them for themselves.
• Placing your finger over visible mines (land/naval) would not display any information about it.
• 'Don't run before turn X' optional trigger not shown properly in the map editor.
• AI not buying as many units as it should have / could have when playing with upkeep.
• AI marines purchase ratio was too high.
• AI AT infantry purchase ratio was too high.
• Some soviet units production date were off.
• Some countries were missing their Train transport graphics.
• Changing a unit's level through the map editor would not update the unit's XP.
• Soviet Union (AI) not redeploying its army when Op. Barbarossa begins.
• UK AI will now properly invade Iceland in 1940.
• Germany trying to naval invade the UK on Europe scenarios (when historical focus is ON).
• Some units were in the wrong category/wrongly categorized.
• AI not moving to certain enemy victory points when it should have.
• Progressive cost working wrongly (being always +1).
• Winter version of non frozen lake had the same texture as a frozen lake, which would lead to some confusion.

• Rotation settings now managed per unit in editor.

App 隐私

开发者“Valentin Lievre”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策


开发者不会从此 App 中收集任何数据。



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