Melodist - Let photos sing

Turn photos into sweet music


Its a well-worn cliche that a picture paints a thousand words, but what if your images could sing those words too? Melodist might not be able toblast out a few bars, but it’s halfway there, turning each of your snaps into a unique tune.

These aren’t just random note collections thrown at an image either. There’s a clever process to this melody-making malarky, one that means the resulting tune elegantly fits with its underlying image.

Once you’ve selected the snap you want to convert into audio form, Melodist will analyse all of the image’s brightness, saturation and hue changes, transforming these visual elements into scales, modes and chord progressions.

Melodist turns your images into bespoke tunes.

The result is a bespoke audio track for every image, with these melodies possessing an almost lullaby-inspired quality. One that brings added depth and emotion to your static shots.

While the tinkling tones might all sound familiar at first, throw a few images at the app and you’ll soon hear the difference. With dark, gloomy shots offering up slower, sharper sounds, bright, vibrant images are accompanied by upbeat, flowing and warming tunes.

All, however, will raise a smile and make it hard to look at a sound-free snap again without humming your own tune.