Make magic with your photo edits

A step-by-step guide to amazing changes.

Photoleap: AI Art Photo Editor

Editing & Picture Generator


Editing your photos is about more than tweaking the brightness and knowing when to rein things in with the filtering. If you know what you’re doing you can turn your standard photos into eye-catching works of art.

This doesn’t require a degree in image manipulation or hours spent fiddling with brushes either. Using Enlight Photofox you can make magic with your photos in a matter of minutes. Let us show you how.

Create your own disappearing act images

To start – and this is crucial – select a photo where you or your subject is wearing a plain white top. That means no logos or accents. You could use Enlight to turn any top white, but capturing a solid base image is going to be easier.
Once selected duplicate the image by tapping its preview square and pressing Duplicate from the pop-up menu. Once duplicated, make sure the top layer is selected by tapping on it.
Next, tap Layers > Eraser and use your finger to erase everything apart from your t-shirt. To make this easier you can pinch to zoom in and alter the size of your eraser by tapping the paintbrush icon. Make sure you hit the checkmark in the top right corner when complete.
Still on the top layer, tap Tone > Darkroom. Now, with the Neutral filter selected, from the sub-menu tap Tools > Basic and slide the Offset option down to -100 in order to turn your top completely black. Again, tap the checkmark when done.
Now it’s time to add a new, transparent layer. You can do this by tapping the plus symbol and selecting Transparent. Once created turn this layer solid white by tapping Layers > Fill, drag it beneath the layer holding your newly black shirt and then merge the two by dragging them over each other before tapping Merge.
Repeat the process to add another transparent layer. This time, however, when adding a background image, ensure you tap the checkmark to ensure your progress is saved before tapping Blending > Screen to set the design to the shape of your shirt. Now, merge this layer with the shirt layer.
On this newly merged layer tap Blending > Multiply to apply this filter only to your white top. Your torso should now look like it has disappeared.
Add another transparent layer and fill it with the same image as before. Tap the checkmark to confirm your changes and drag this layer to the bottom of your layers list.
Now it's time to break out the eraser again (tap Layers > Eraser) and carefully remove the entire original background. Make sure you zoom in to get a close edit and once complete merge your remaining layers.
You've now created your own striking, disappearing act image. All that’s left is to share it and let the ‘Likes’ and ‘Loves’ roll in.