Nock an arrow and let it fly! But you’ll need more than a keen eye to survive the hundreds of enemies hiding in Archero’s action-packed dungeons. Start with these five pointers.

1. Be an artful dodger
Avoiding shots is just as important as landing them. Keep moving, pay attention to enemy patterns and don’t rush! There’s no time limit, so take a moment to study your opponent before diving in.
2. Focus on extra shots
You’re offered one of three special perks at the start of a run, and you gain a new one each time you level up. If possible, stack potent skills like Wall Bounce, Piercing Shot and Front Arrows. The best defense is a great offense.
3. Upgrade your gear
Struggling to make it through the first few rooms in a new area? Some extra protection is in order. Use coins and scrolls to level up your equipment, granting buffs to stats and certain skills.

4. Save those ability slots
Think carefully about how your abilities work together. For example, if you take the handy Bloodthirst ability, which grants you health for each downed enemy, you can probably skip health refills.
5. Go all in with your hero
Starting hero Atreus is powerful, but after a few runs you’ll earn enough resources to acquire the likes of Urasil or Phoren. Each has unique, upgradable traits. For a fighting chance, focus on one hero at a time.